The lighter the concrete the better lower the k factor.
Lightweight concrete roof deck.
Serd is a specialty subcontractor providing lightweight insulating concrete roof decks metal decking tectum acoustical roof deck panels engineered fills and material sales.
Lightweight insulating concrete roof decks are high performance roof insulation systems that reduce roof maintenance and replacement costs.
Nrdca 300 procedures to determine the accuracy of material measuring equipment for lightweight insulating concrete.
Dektek tile is an elegant and innovative precast concrete decking material that is especially designed for elevated decks and roof decks.
Structural concrete deck a cast in place concrete deck serves as an integral part of the structure and is designed to carry heavy loads normal weight concrete is typically used for cast in place construction.
Vermiculite for roof decks can be placed over various kinds of form boards fiber fiberglass acoustical and asbestos cement.
Over the past couple of years we have seen a sizable increase in the specification and use of structural lightweight concrete roof decks.
However when a lightweight structural concrete lwsc roof deck is poured in place it uses significantly more water.
Structural concrete composite deck a supported steel panel deck system filled with normal weight or structural lightweight concrete.
Beneath the roof cover structural concrete roof decks are commonly topside insulated using adhered insulation panels or cast in place lightweight insulating concrete.
We felt it important enough that we share with you the concerns the roofing industry has about these decks and to outline roofing assemblies that can perform the best when installed over these structural lightweight concrete decks and minimize the risk for.
Beneath the roof cover structural concrete roof decks are commonly topside insulated using adhered insulation panels or cast in place lightweight insulating concrete.
Lightweight insulating concrete lwic is batched on site and used to encapsulate expanded polystyrene insulation to provide permanent roof insulation and slope to drain.
The most common use of vermiculite lightweight concrete is for light structural roof decks and for insulation fill over metal decking and structural concrete.
It is adaptable to any roof configuration and depending upon the condition of the existing roof may be installed directly to build up roofs gravel roofs and galvanized steel deck roofs thus eliminating costly tear.
The normal weight concrete employs standard aggregates i e.
Hard rocks with a low water absorption rate and weighs approximately 2403 kg m 3 150 lb cf.
Picture story of gypsum roof deck repair sequence.
Dektek s luxury tile decking is custom poured high strength concrete deck tiles that support more than 1 000 lbs per tile.
Nrdca 600 guideline for application of cementitious wood fiber roof deck systems.